Monday, 26 August 2013

Slight haze may hit Singapore

Slight haze may hit Singapore

The number of hot spots in Sumatra, Indonesia, jumped to 225 yesterday from 86 on Saturday, said Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA). There were 21 hot spots on Friday.

The agency added that dense smoke plumes were seen from some of the hot spots in central and southern Sumatra.

With dry-weather conditions in these areas expected to continue, NEA warned that Singapore "may experience occasional slight haze over the next few days".

On Tuesday afternoon, Singapore was affected by slight haze, with the three-hour Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) hitting 56 at 2pm.

A PSI reading below 50 means air quality is good, while one between 51 and 100 means it is moderate.

The number of hot spots on Tuesday was 29, although there might have been some that were undetected due to cloud cover. On Aug 16, the number of hot spots was 267.

Despite the rise in hot-spot numbers yesterday, NEA said that, based on the 24-hour PSI, air quality today until 6pm is expected to be in the good range.

~News courtesy of Omy~

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